Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tomorrow is the first day of spring!!  I am so very excited.  In honor of spring, I shall share a little writing and some pics.

I wrote this about 2 years ago:
I don’t write about nature much, but I’ve been really lovin’ it lately, so I think today I will, so we’ll see what happens. 

Something about flowers just makes me happy, especially those you make into a bouquet.
Flowers are such a simple beauty that God created for us to admire. 
Well, I guess not only to admire, I guess they do serve a purpose for insects as well.
But, just a think about it, something so simple as a flower, but so beautiful.
This significant beauty, that’s what I’ll call it, is significant.
It has to be, at least that’s what I think.  Why would our God create it if it wasn’t a least bit significant?
Flowers don’t have to do much, but sit in the ground or in a vase, but they are still fulfilling a purpose.
Flowers have a certain charm about them.  They are just so pretty!  Next time you’re driving down a road and see some on the side of the road, take a second to gaze at them.  However, don’t take too long to look, because you don’t want to wreck!  The next time you pass by a flower shop, step in for a second.
When you’re out in your mother or grandmother’s garden, take some time to look around and take in the beauty and the sweet scent that flower’s give out.  It’s just an interesting thought, flowers.
I’ve loved flowers for awhile, but have never taken a whole lot of time to dwell on the idea of their existence.  Oh, I can’t wait until the day comes when I can have a beautiful wedding bouquet or the day when I can have lots of flowers in my very own garden.  It’s going to be wonderful!

Wow, that was really kind of cheesy haha, but aren't flowers great?! :)

These don't exactly go with the theme, but I thought they were sweet :).  They are springish colors though!ha

Yay Spring! :)

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