Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A poem.

A poem I wrote some time ago.  It's called Simplicity.

It’s there, it always has been, even at the beginning

We just have to come back to it,

It can be found, it is there,

Really, it’s all around us

We have to be willing to let go and let it consume us,

We would all be better off if we did that.

There is none that is as powerful as He, none that even stand close,

We like to make our names high and boast in our goodness,

But really we’re called to become small and humble,

To lose every bit of power we may have or seem to think we have.

By no stretch of the imagination is it easy,

To become less, so He can become more,

But by every stretch of the imagination, it is possible.

We get so worried about things around us, we lose that factor that has always been there,

That simplicity.

It’s in the beauty around us, but we get so caught up, we get so distracted,

We forget it and lose it.

But it is attainable, it always has been.

It may not be as easy now to get as it was but my all means it is still possible.

Oh let us become silent and wrapped up in the beauty that’s out there.

Let us get away from the distractions and the hindrances that entangle us.

Let us trust in You

Let us allow You to captivate us

So that our focus is completely on You,

There is no room for anything else,

No room for worries, anxieties, stresses,

Just us and You,

There is nothing hard or complicated about that.

For if we could just come back to the beginning where it all started,

And see that all this nonsense isn’t necessary,

It’s not needed, nor is it wanted,

It has bogged our minds and pulled us down for too long,

Surely we do want to fix this.

It’ll be tough, but yes, it will be worth it.

Perhaps we’re so caught up, that we’ve forgotten that it’s there,

And maybe we’re scared and maybe we’re comfortable.

We may not want to work at it.

But oh, if we can bring it back, oh how it’ll be worth it,

Of course, we don’t have what it takes to do it ourselves,

We aren’t supposed to that is why He is here.

Oh let us lean on Him, reach out our small hand and grab on to His.

After all, that is all that has been required of us,

To reach out our hand.

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