Wednesday, January 11, 2012


God is good.
God has a plan for my life.
God works is mysterious ways...we don't always understand what He is doing.
FAITH is the very core and foundation of my relationship with God.

For months, my church had been planning a trip to Honduras, but I didn't plan on going.  I kept hearing things about it, but I wasn't really involved in it, since I wasn't going.  But, as it got closer and closer for my church family to leave, people were talking more about it, and I was wishing that I had planned to go with them.  Well...apparently it was planned for me to go, all along; it just wasn't my plan.  The Honduras team was to leave last Tuesday early in the morning .  Around 7:30 pm, monday, the night before, I received a call from my youth minister.  A friend of mine who was going on the trip wasn't going to be able to go on the trip any more; her passport had expired and she didn't know it until that night.  And my youth minister was looking for someone to go in her place.  I hated it so much for my friend; it sucked so bad; I know how much she wanted to go.  But, there was a reason all this was happening.  So, I told my youth minister I would think about it and talk to my parents and call him back within minutes.  I did want to go.  At first, my parents were very hesitant; it was extremely last minute and other factors were contributing; I mean of course, understandable.  At first I told my youth minister no because my parents didn't seem like they wanted me to go, but after a few minutes and talking with my parents, they gave me the okay to go. So around 9:30 Monday night until about 1:00, I was packing for Honduras.  I got to the airport a few hours later and headed to Honduras with my church family!  It was crazy; I was going to Honduras!  I was excited, but didn't really know what to expect.  I had gone on international mission trips before, so I wasn't really worried about it. 
While I was in Honduras, I had the privilege of ministering alongside of my home church family and other believers who worked in the orphanage, where we served.  I don't feel like those kids know any stranger, well maybe they knew we loved me that's why they acted the way they did, not sure.  But, as soon as they encountered me and my sisters on the first morning, they hugged and greeted us like we had been their friends forever.  They wanted to hold our hands, hug us, and be our friends, and they didn't even know who we were!  I spent most of my week with older girls...they ranged from around 12-25, but I also got to spend time with the toddlers and the younger girls and boys.  Those kids are so beautiful and sweet; what a loving group of kids!  And those little ones are so cute!  The loved they showed was a great glimpse of God's love for us.  And they were so sharing.  They were constantly writing us notes, making us bracelets, and giving us other things that they had.  When we would take them to the store; they would share what they got with us, their friends, and their siblings.  They barely knew us, but they loved us like they'd none us for a long time.  It's crazy because groups come in and out of that place all the time, and they still love on us just like never seen people come in there.   I know they long for people to love on them and spend time on them because there just isn't enough for them all to get a lot of one on one on attention (but those staff love them, no doubt), but when I think about this, I think of two scenarios.  I just wonder how I would be if I was in their place.  Would I be so open to love, to love people I didn't know?  Or I would be reserved?  I get that they would want love, but I just wonder if they ever are hesitant?  Just a thought.  I am thankful for the loved they showed me.  And praise God that He is doing so much in their lives, He is showing His love through them.  And when we left, they were sad, but they told us not to cry; are they so used to people coming in and out of there?  Just was crazy to see.  They definitely taught us a lot!  It was a blessing to get to spend time with them.  I am thankful for the older girls that I did get to spend more time with; I hope to stay in contact with them. 

I am thankful that I knew some Spanish, others from my group knew some, and some of the kids knew some English, so it was definitely helpful, but it was still a definite struggle.  There were times when I just wished I could just say what I needed to say in Spanish like I could in English, but it wasn't that easy.  Having a language barrier is tough for sure, but God used us in awesome ways to love on those kids, despite the language barrier.  I will say it is such a cool thing to witness prayer and praise (singing) and reading of Scripture in Spanish and in English; God is being worshipped by His people in two different languages.  Even though I didn't know the language, it was still very cool; it didn't matter whether or not I knew the language.

God is good.
God has a plan for my life.
God works is mysterious ways...we don't always understand what He is doing.
FAITH is the very core and foundation of my relationship with God.

God seemed to be resonating these truths while we were in Honduras; I'm pretty sure, in some way or another, the fact that God does things we don't understand was talked about at least four times while we were, basically the same wording.  And specifically, faith was talked about two times.  And there was a talk about God is good no matter what at least once.  But that's just specifically, they all were talked about and tied in throughout the week.  God is good; He loves us and wants to do awesome things in our lives (His plan for us), we don't always understand what He's doing or why He's doing, but because the previous are true, He will be faithful, and we should be faithful to Him, and trust in Him.   Good stuff.

The trip was challenging at times, but all in all it was good, and a great blessing.

Peace and Love.


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