Thursday, December 6, 2012

God's Love for us

It is He who loves you.  What does that mean exactly?  God loves you; He loves me.  Yes, indeed He does, but what does that look like?  I honestly cannot express how much He loves you or how much He loves me because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to grasp how much He loves us.  If I do, it’ll be in Heaven and I’ll probably be incredibly and inexpressibly overwhelmed.  I can tell you though, that the God who spoke the stars into being, He also spoke man into being and He saw that it was very good.  He put thought into His creation.  We were woven together in our mother’s womb, so intricately.  The Psalmist says that we were ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’.  God desired to know us even after the fall.  He wants to have a relationship with us.  He sent His precious, one and only son, and perfect at that, to take on the weight of the sin of the world; that is the world then (when Christ was on the Earth), the world now (the world we live in today), and the world to come (future).  The past, present, and future sins.  In fact, if we have received salvation then we are justified and God sees us as saints, as righteous, as set apart.  Isn’t that unbelievable?  Well, it’s very true.  It is crazy to think that God would want to have a relationship with someone so filthy as me or you, but in fact He does.  He sees us as worthy and We have been covered by the blood of Jesus.  We have been soaked by His Grace.  He loves us unconditional; there is nothing we can ever do that will separate us from the love of the Father, nothing.  Ever.  We may not get this because in fact it’s unfathomable to the human mind, but it also may be unbelievable because in fact we think we don’t deserve it, well we don’t.  But, really that’s irrelevant, but because God’s standard is different.  The Bible says that His ways are not our ways.  We may be so caught up in our past, what we’ve done; we may be so bogged down by guilt and shame; we struggle to understand why God would love us.  Really, for some it’s hard to accept God’s love because in fact we have been told so many times that we’re filth, that we’re unworthy, and we’ve believed it.  We may know that God loves us, in our minds, and we may believe it to an extent, but still haven’t fully accepted it because there is so much keeping us from being freed and living the life God has created us to live.  Because God created us for so much; He has a great plan for us.  He wants us to accept His love and live in it.  He doesn’t want us to believe lies that some of us have believed for so long.  We were created for more than to just go around sort of living instead of living in our potential.  God created each one of us the way he did for a reason.  We are each here for a reason.  We each have a purpose.  It is to bring Him glory, but we each have specific passions, gifts, etc.  And we are to use them not waste them.  So, the truth is, God love us.  He loves who we were, who we are, and who we will be.  And He wants us to accept that love.  And live in it.  We may not fully ever comprehend it, but may we accept the gift He bestows on us.  In that, May we seek Him.  And trust Him. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Words of Wisdom

"...risky self-disclosure is what I mean by intimacy, and intimacy
is the way that love is transmitted.

"Some say the word comes from the Latin intimus, referring to that
which is interior or inside. Some say its older meaning is found by
in timor, or 'into fear.' In either case, the point is clear:
intimacy happens when we reveal and expose our insides, and this is
always scary.

"One never knows if the other can receive what is exposed, will
respect it, or will run fast in the other direction. One must be
prepared to be rejected. It is always a risk.

"The pain of rejection after self-disclosure is so great that it
often takes a lifetime for people to risk it again."

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ben Rector - When a Heart Breaks

Future Version Shane & Shane

'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus

  1. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
    Just to take Him at His Word;
    Just to rest upon His promise,
    And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust His cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace.
I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fear God

"When you truly fear God-when you revere Him-you don't want to disobey Him, reject Him, or refuse to believe Him, because you know He is worthy and holy.  That kind of reverence for God overpowers your other fears, because you're able to rest in His words, trust in His character, and be certain of His power.  Because you know who God is and understand His worth, your other fears fade.  God becomes the most important thing in your life, not your fears." Hayley Dimarco, from her book Obsessed

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I have been created by God, not man.  I live for Him, not you.  It is He who determines my worth, not her.  I am created for a reason, so intricately designed, and delicately and thoughtfully made.  Why is that you , that man so annoyingly and conveniently continues to try to get in the way of that?  Satan so deceivingly weaves his lies in and through my mind, to tell me, my worth, to lie to me.  But for me, it’s so cleverly and “beautifully” wrapped, I fall for it.  But all the while, it is Him, that is telling the truth.  It is what He says, has said, and has done that matters.  It is for Him that I should live.  He is the one that so loves me that He would come to Earth to take on wrath and sin and death for me, so that I can live.  He wants to take on me, all of me, all of that I am, the filth, the garbage, the sadness, the hardship, take it and carry, because He loves me, and He did, and does carry it.  He is the one that has a plan for me, His opinion is the one that matters above all else.  He is the one that has a purpose for me; I wasn’t created for nothing.  He didn’t give me talents and gifts and passions for nothing.  I wasn’t created for nothing.  I matter.  I am not here for man.  I am not here for worldly approval.  It is much greater than that.  After all, I’m not from here, this is not where my citizenship lies.  What can man do to me?  I walk around like their opinion matters, far more than His.  But why?  I walk around like this place is better than my Heavenly home.  I get so caught up in the deceivings of this world, but it does not compare to my God and what He has planned for me here and oh my, what is going on Up There.


(The other day) A thought I had a few minutes ago.  I have this sentiment a lot, but these are these words I was thinking..."I wish that I could lay my heart on a piece of paper and it would write out all its thinking (feeling) as opposed to me trying and failing and not doing justice because its inevitably seemingly impossible to use words to explain how I feel about things."  It's true because I may read about something so horrid that has happened in someone's life or someone may tell me something that has effected them greatly (two real life recent instances) and I feel so much, but I just can't gather the words to say.  It's happened a lot lately.  I feel so strongly towards something, but it doesn't seem that any words/word will be able to suffice how I feel.  Because words is our medium or least our most common medium to explain how we feel about something.  And I could try to word how I am feeling by writing or speaking until I have no more words, but still I don't think that would be enough.  And isn't it annoying when we don't even know how to express something using words?  We don't even know the words to use?  We could use other mediums like painting or playing music or something, but would that suffice either?  And when I want to explain something that can't be explained because there aren't words to explain their depth or their intensity is even more frustrating.  When I want to explain something that is beyond horrid.  And I could describe it, but still words would fail.  Something could be so beautiful, but only so many words would do...they would still run out.  I am so thankful for words and the ability I have to use them and the capability.  I am glad they are means for me to express and to describe, but I will admit the frustration that comes when I can't describe the way my heart feels.  There are times when my head is full and my heart so heavy that I don't even know where to begin nor do I want to try to figure how to explain how I am feeling or what I am thinking.  There are times, like that when I am just at  a loss for words, but perhaps this is appropriate, perhaps this is supposed to happen, maybe I don't always need to speak.  And perhaps we aren't mean to fully be able to describe, perhaps that's a part of wonder and amazement and I think it's the reality that I am a mere human and I do have limits.  Which is a frustrating reality.  Perhaps it is also a reminder of where I stand in comparison to God, a humble reality check maybe?  He's the one in control, not me.  But as my previous sentiment allows, it would be crazy but ever so helpful if my heart could just write or even speak for itsself, wouldn't it?  Or maybe if I could just open my mouth and I could just start speaking what my heart felt?  Or maybe I could hold a pen in my hand and it would start writing.  I see the reality, but it's inevitably still difficult when I feel so much, but I can only say some much.  But, I guess I will also repeat that I am really thankful for words, nonetheless.  So, what do I do with this?  Do I remain dissatisfied?  Do I realize that I am blessed and move on?  Do I learn to write more?  Because in fact, I do love words, but I am not always diligent in using them.  Hmmm...

Josh Garrels IN:5 // Love

Monday, September 17, 2012


The door is locked by a small, but powerful and quite effective lock,

We look through the key hole to see what’s on the other side, but we can’t open it without the key,

The lock and the key have quite the relationship, one cannot work without the other

It’s really mind blowing to think that the only thing that stops us from getting to the other side is one, rather small, seemingly fairly insignificant handcrafted key

The lock is small and so is the key, but they both work together to form a powerful bond that keep that door from opening.

It only takes the key entering the key hole and turning the right way in the lock, for the door to open.

As we look in the key hole, we see a glimpse of the other side, we long to be there and to experience what’s there. 

It’s very intriguing when we’ve never been on the other side, we don’t know what awaits us.

There is obviously a reason why the door is locked, actually perhaps it isn’t a door.

Maybe it’s a chest, or a safe, or a diary, maybe a locket.

Either way, it is locked and there is a reason for it.

Maybe we locked it or maybe someone else did.  

Perhaps we’ve never seen the other side. 

Perhaps we’re not supposed to, maybe that’s why it’s locked.

Maybe we’re being protected from the other side.

Something awaits us.

Again, I can’t help but think about how small a lock and key, and key hole can be, yet something rather significant and great can lie on the other side.

The strong and significant bond that is created between the lock and keys is a picture of the great role of the two.

They work together to protect something or even someone. 

People lock the door to their homes to keep people from entering,

Safes are locked, typically very strategically and securely, to keep people from getting the valuables within.

Lockets are locked, and so are diaries; we want to keep what’s dear to us from other people’s eyes.

Caged doors in prisons are bolted and locked to keep the prisoners in the jail.

Caged doors on animal cages are locked and bolted to keep them in, so they don’t hurt anyone.

There is a purpose for keys and locks.

As we continue to look through the key hole, we long to be on the other side, but perhaps this particular key hole will never see a key entered through it, well at least not while we’re around.

Perhaps what we’re seeing through this particular key hole is all we’re going to see.

Maybe we’re being protected from something greater than we even know.

It’s amazing to think that such a thing as a lock can keep us from so much, can protect us from so much.

Or maybe it’s not protection, but it’s neglect.

Maybe it would be better for us to see the other side, at it’s fullest, but perhaps we’re being kept from it.

There’s a great reason why someone invented keys and locks. 

Their bond is remarkable.  But is it always a good thing?

To be kept from something?

Because we don’t always have the power to unlock something, we don’t have the keys.

How do we determine what should be locked and shouldn’t be? 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh, to feel, the love

The moon is rising
on a muggy night;
I walk home
underneath its light.
The approaching autumn
rustles my hair
and I wonder,
are you still there?

I often struggle, I often wonder.
In fact, I will admit I long to feel something,

to maybe hear something,
to know if you're there.
On a night, such as this one,
I feel certain that I would feel you.

I've got everything I want,
I've got everything I need.
I’ve got everything
but I don't feel free
and I long to be.
I just want someone to set me free,
free as a bird in the sky,
free, unafraid to die.

There's just something missing,
it's freedom.
But where does the freedom come from?
I look to you, or look for you,
and I think that will set me free,
but I don’t feel free.
It's always the same
at the end of the day;
I take in so much pain
and feel no release.
I'm tied to the ground
by my own troubled mind.

I just can't seem to get any freedom from it;
I feel like I'm trapped, like a caged bird,
that flies around and around, but cannot seem to be free.

I don't know how much more I can take;

I mean there is freedom, right?

It's like I'm running and running, but there's no escape.

My heart has begun to mimic my mind,

to be full and heavy.

I have a picture of freedom, of life, in my mind,

but I cannot seem to grasp it.

I feel like I'm reaching and reaching and trying to grab on to it,

 but I can't.
As I walk in this night,

 I long to feel something,

this freedom, can you give it to me?

What does this freedom look like?

Just like a sailor gazing up at the stars
I'm studying the sky
I can't take my eyes off of it.
All the power of this miracle
is inside of every living thing
and like a sailor being guided home
I know just where to go;
this boat is on a course
heading straight for the harbor
of your love.
No matter how long it takes,
I am following the stars
and I'm feeling the love,
being free in the love.
-NA and KW

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Colossians 1:9-10

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Marvelous Light/ I May Be Down (Cover & Bloops)

Micah 7:8 - Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"I'm gonna let my heart defeat my mind."-The Motions-Matthew West

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

The following (several!) songs are a variety of "love" songs...about human love...between significant others, between friends, between loved ones. and most importantly between God and His children and the love they have for Him.  And a poem.  Enjoy!

p.s. yes some of them are cheesy, so it's okay to laugh ;)

Love (a poem)

Her eyes are fixed the moment her eyes meet it.
She is overwhelmed by its beauty and wonderment.
She can't believe what she's seeing is real.
She pinches herself to make sure she's not fast asleep, dreaming away.
Sure enough, she's awake.  It's real.
She takes a step back.
She's overwhelmed by the complexity of it all.
She cannot believe that she is living this fairytale.
She's experiencing it face to face.
She's in love.
Alas, she's at a loss for words.

I'll Fly Away-Allison Krauss
Beaulah Land-Allison Krauss-
Beautiful Things-Gungor
all sons and daughters-brokeness aside
Running in Cricles- United Pursuit Band
Lockstep-United Pursuit Band
How He Loves-John Mark McMillan
Love Song-
Third Day
The Stand (Hillsong) En Espanol

Passion 2011 - Lord, I Need You - Chris Tomlin

Selah - My Jesus I Love Thee ~ With Lyrics

Shane and Shane - Your Love

Beauty for Ashes - Shane and Shane

Selah - How Deep The Father's Love For Us ~ With Lyrics

Before the throne of God above - Shane and Shane

Embrace This Place - Among Thorns

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) - Chris Tomlin

Shane and Shane - Grace is Sufficient

The Everlasting God
I love you Lord
come to save us-all sons and daughters
all sons and daughters-nothing but the blood
it is well with my soul-phil wickham
we love you Jesus-shane and shane
The one you need-shane and shane
Love me- JJ Heller
One sweet day- Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men
p diddy-i'll be missing you
Isn't she lovely-Stevie Wonder
avett brothers-murder in the city

Adele-My Same
Avett Brothers-I and love and you
From this moment on-Shania Twain
Celine Dion-Because You Loved Me

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Who Am I?

I am the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13).
I am the light of the world (Matt 5:14).
I am a child of God ( John 1:12).
I am part of the true vine, and Christ’s life flows through me (John 15:1,5).
I am Christ’s friend ( John 15:15).
I am chosen by Christ to bear fruit (John 15:16).
I am Christ’s personal witness sent out to tell everybody about Him ( Acts 1:8).
I am a slave of righteousness ( Romans 6:18).
I am a slave of God, making me holy and giving me eternal life (Romans 6:22).
I am a child of God; I can call Him my father (Rom 8:14-15; Gal 3:16; 4:6).
I am a coheir with Christ, inheriting His glory (Rom 8:17).
I am a temple---a dwelling place—for God. His Spirit and His life live in me (1 Cor 3:16; 6:19).
I am joined forever to the Lord and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor 6:17).
I am part of Christ’s Body (1 Cor. 12:27).
I am a new person. My past is forgiven and everything is new (2 Cor 5:18-19).
I am a child of God and one with others in His family (Gal 3:26-28).
I am a child of God and will receive the inheritance He has promised (Gal. 4:6-7).
I am a saint, a holy person (Ephesians 1:1, Phil 1:1, Col 1:2).
I am a citizen of heaven seated in heaven right now (Ephesians 2:6, Phil 3:20).
I am God’s building project, His handiwork, created in Christ to do His work ( Eph 2:10).
I am a citizen of Heaven with all of God’s family (Eph 2:19).
I am a prisoner of Christ so that I can help others (Eph 3:1, 4:1).
I am righteous and holy (Eph 4:24).
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3).
I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life (Col 3:4).
I am chosen of God, holy, and dearly loved (Col 3:12, 1 Thes 1:4).
I am a child of light, not of darkness (1Thes 5:5).
I am chosen to share in God’s heavenly calling (Hebrews 3:1).
I am part of Christ; I share in His life (Hebrews 3:14).
I am of God’s living stone, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house ( 1 Peter 2:5).
I am member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:9-10).
I am only a visitor to this world in which I temporarily live (1 Peter 2:11).
I am an enemy of the devil ( 1 Peter 5:8).
I am child of God, and I will be like Christ when He returns (1 John 3:1-2).
I am born again in Christ, and the evil one—the devil—cannot touch me (1 John 5:18).
I am not the Great “I AM”(Ex 3:14, Jn 8:24,25,58), but by the grace of God, I am what I am ( 1 Cor 15:10).

Monday, January 23, 2012

Shane and Shane: Before The Throne (with Bethany Dillon)

When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because a sinless Savior died,
My sinful soul is counted free;
For God, the Just, is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Praise the One, Risen Son of God!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Lord is good and He remains faithful, forever.


Throughout the Bible God has made promises. 
He promises to never leave us or forsake us.  And He hasn't.
He promised Abraham that He would have many descendants.  And Abraham had MANY descendants.
He promised that there would be a Savior.  And there was.
He does not break His promises.  In Titus 1:2, we see that it is impossible for God to lie.  He is true to His word.

God also promises that we will face difficulty; the Christian walk isn't easy.  So, we are to remain faithful to Him and trust Him.  He loves us, He is good, and He is faithful.  Forever will He be with us.  He will never let us go.  His love endures forever.  Forever.  Can you think about that?  Forever.  Forever He is faithful, Forever He is strong, Forever He is with us. 

It is hard to have faith and trust Him, especially in tough times.  But, that's what we are to do.  Trust Him.  Because He is good.  And He will never let us go.   Romans 8:28 tells us:  28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  And in Jeremiah 29:11, it says:  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

It's hard sometimes to see the hurt and the crap in this world, and to still say, God is good.  But, the truth is, He is Good.  And He loves us.  And no matter what we're facing, we are to remain faithful to Him, just as He remains faithful to us.  No, we're not perfect, and certainly not God, but we are called to have faith and to be faithful to Him, and when we seek Him He will help us.

God's timing is perfect.  Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.  It's not easy to be patient, to wait on Him.  But that's what we are to do.

Remaining faithful and being patient isn't easy, and it won't be.  But we have to do this.  Because He will deliver us.  His love endures forever.  He is constant, He does not waver.

And He will bless us so much.  The walk with God isn't easy, but it's good.  He has a plan for us, even if we don't understand.  His ways are far above ours, and we won't understand completely.  But, He loves us and has a wonderful plan for us.
We see in Proverbs 3:5-6,  5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a

He knows what we need.  He really is good beyond what we can understand.  May we remain faithful to Him, and Trust His plan for us even when it's tough.  May we grow in this truth.

This is the truth God revealed to me/reminded me of, thought I would share.  God Bless.  Take Care.

I leave you with this video.  Take a look/listen.

Also,  read all of Proverbs 3.  Great.  And check out Psalm 136; here are a few verses from it,  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His love endures forever.  Give thanks for the God of gods.  His love endures forever.  Give thanks to the Lord of lords;  His love endures forever.  Psalm 136:1-3

Oh that we may hold on to the truth that God loves us so much.  May we have great faith. 
Like I mentioned, He wants to great things in us, we are to just trust Him and be obedient to Him.  Let's let Him do a great work, and just trust Him.  How easy that is to say, but so hard to always do.  But, Lord help us!  Oh, what great things can come out of this!  Blessings to you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


God is good.
God has a plan for my life.
God works is mysterious ways...we don't always understand what He is doing.
FAITH is the very core and foundation of my relationship with God.

For months, my church had been planning a trip to Honduras, but I didn't plan on going.  I kept hearing things about it, but I wasn't really involved in it, since I wasn't going.  But, as it got closer and closer for my church family to leave, people were talking more about it, and I was wishing that I had planned to go with them.  Well...apparently it was planned for me to go, all along; it just wasn't my plan.  The Honduras team was to leave last Tuesday early in the morning .  Around 7:30 pm, monday, the night before, I received a call from my youth minister.  A friend of mine who was going on the trip wasn't going to be able to go on the trip any more; her passport had expired and she didn't know it until that night.  And my youth minister was looking for someone to go in her place.  I hated it so much for my friend; it sucked so bad; I know how much she wanted to go.  But, there was a reason all this was happening.  So, I told my youth minister I would think about it and talk to my parents and call him back within minutes.  I did want to go.  At first, my parents were very hesitant; it was extremely last minute and other factors were contributing; I mean of course, understandable.  At first I told my youth minister no because my parents didn't seem like they wanted me to go, but after a few minutes and talking with my parents, they gave me the okay to go. So around 9:30 Monday night until about 1:00, I was packing for Honduras.  I got to the airport a few hours later and headed to Honduras with my church family!  It was crazy; I was going to Honduras!  I was excited, but didn't really know what to expect.  I had gone on international mission trips before, so I wasn't really worried about it. 
While I was in Honduras, I had the privilege of ministering alongside of my home church family and other believers who worked in the orphanage, where we served.  I don't feel like those kids know any stranger, well maybe they knew we loved me that's why they acted the way they did, not sure.  But, as soon as they encountered me and my sisters on the first morning, they hugged and greeted us like we had been their friends forever.  They wanted to hold our hands, hug us, and be our friends, and they didn't even know who we were!  I spent most of my week with older girls...they ranged from around 12-25, but I also got to spend time with the toddlers and the younger girls and boys.  Those kids are so beautiful and sweet; what a loving group of kids!  And those little ones are so cute!  The loved they showed was a great glimpse of God's love for us.  And they were so sharing.  They were constantly writing us notes, making us bracelets, and giving us other things that they had.  When we would take them to the store; they would share what they got with us, their friends, and their siblings.  They barely knew us, but they loved us like they'd none us for a long time.  It's crazy because groups come in and out of that place all the time, and they still love on us just like never seen people come in there.   I know they long for people to love on them and spend time on them because there just isn't enough for them all to get a lot of one on one on attention (but those staff love them, no doubt), but when I think about this, I think of two scenarios.  I just wonder how I would be if I was in their place.  Would I be so open to love, to love people I didn't know?  Or I would be reserved?  I get that they would want love, but I just wonder if they ever are hesitant?  Just a thought.  I am thankful for the loved they showed me.  And praise God that He is doing so much in their lives, He is showing His love through them.  And when we left, they were sad, but they told us not to cry; are they so used to people coming in and out of there?  Just was crazy to see.  They definitely taught us a lot!  It was a blessing to get to spend time with them.  I am thankful for the older girls that I did get to spend more time with; I hope to stay in contact with them. 

I am thankful that I knew some Spanish, others from my group knew some, and some of the kids knew some English, so it was definitely helpful, but it was still a definite struggle.  There were times when I just wished I could just say what I needed to say in Spanish like I could in English, but it wasn't that easy.  Having a language barrier is tough for sure, but God used us in awesome ways to love on those kids, despite the language barrier.  I will say it is such a cool thing to witness prayer and praise (singing) and reading of Scripture in Spanish and in English; God is being worshipped by His people in two different languages.  Even though I didn't know the language, it was still very cool; it didn't matter whether or not I knew the language.

God is good.
God has a plan for my life.
God works is mysterious ways...we don't always understand what He is doing.
FAITH is the very core and foundation of my relationship with God.

God seemed to be resonating these truths while we were in Honduras; I'm pretty sure, in some way or another, the fact that God does things we don't understand was talked about at least four times while we were, basically the same wording.  And specifically, faith was talked about two times.  And there was a talk about God is good no matter what at least once.  But that's just specifically, they all were talked about and tied in throughout the week.  God is good; He loves us and wants to do awesome things in our lives (His plan for us), we don't always understand what He's doing or why He's doing, but because the previous are true, He will be faithful, and we should be faithful to Him, and trust in Him.   Good stuff.

The trip was challenging at times, but all in all it was good, and a great blessing.

Peace and Love.
